No 'Poo and Other Stuff
I think I may have spent a little over 30 minutes on the Internet today... but not doing fun stuff! Just research, so I'm going to pardon myself. I spent a while getting information on this "No 'Poo Challenge" that DL told me about. It's this thing where you don't use shampoo for a month, or however long you want. But don't worry! It's not like you don't wash your hair for that long. You use shampoo and conditioner substitutes. The "shampoo" is baking soda and water, and the "conditioner" is apple cider vinegar and water. I might do a post on it later. Or even better, I may just try it out and tell you what I think. I actually did try it today, but I can't give you any results yet because it's only been an hour. Apparently most people go through a "detox" stage while doing the no 'poo thing where their hair is really gross and greasy for the first few weeks, but then their hair suddenly becomes really soft and shiny. Who knows. Could be hippy voodoo. Anyway, the other thing I was using the Internet for was trying to research college and career information for health class. I was very unsuccessful on the career part and quit after multiple fruitless searches. Instead of doing a post on what the "No 'Poo Challenge" really is, I'm just going to give you this link because this woman actually knows what she's talking about.
-SE Wagner
In other news, wouldn't it be great to own a bakery like this?
It's so beautiful! I think it would be really cool to own a little cafe or bakery or flower shop... but I would never be willing to put in the effort or the stress of owning my own business... but I can still dream, can't I?
Day Ninety-Five Song Recommendation: "Walking on Sunshine" by Jump5. The video that I'm including isn't the one by Jump5; it's the original by Katrina & The Waves. The reason why I said "by Jump5" is because that's the version I have, and the one I'll be putting on 8tracks, but I thought I'd include the original as the video, because I have vivid memories from when I was little of dancing to the original song on my grandparent's jukebox in their basement with my cousin. (Way too many prepositions in that sentence.)
-SE Wagner
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