Be Nice
I bet AB or SE beat me to it, but I'm going to talk about a topic that was brought up in our English class today. So literally right after Bode Miller, American Olympic skier, finished a medal winning ski course, this reporter lady comes up and starts interviewing him, and just keeps egging on with all these questions regarding the very recent death of Bode's brother, and you can tell that he's getting emotional, but the lady just keeps going until Bode is in tears and just stops responding to her. It's that kind of exploitative behaviour that so many people regard celebrities and athletes with that leads to things like overdoses (Jimmy Hendrix, Heath Ledger, Cory Monteith, Philip Seymour Hoffman, the list goes on and on and on). This woman just wouldn't give it up! Watching it made me want to cry too. Imagine being in Bode's place, you just skied your heart out and did a really great job, and then immediately after you finish you're bombarded by some reporter who doesn't care about you and just wants to get a story out of you, and you end up crying in front of the whole world. That ski will be forever tainted in Mr. Miller's mind! He'll tell people "Yeah, it was the ski of my life. Until right after when this woman made me cry on worldwide television about something that really upsets me." I mean come on lady, his BROTHER DIED, give him a break, let him be happy about something in his life! It just makes me sick. It's that age old thing I've mentioned on the blog before, how everyone adores celebrities, but no one truly loves them for who they are. Their family, sure, but not their fans. Everyone just wants a great story, or an autograph, or a picture. No one wants what the actual human being behind the superstar has to give, and that is a horrible thing. I hope to God I'm never famous. Okay, maybe like, John Green famous, but never Jennifer Lawrence famous. Here's the footage. It's pretty crappy, but it shows well enough the whole incident with Bode Miller and the reporter.
Movie Recommendation: The Fox and the Hound. This may be an animated Disney movie, but do not watch it if you don't want to shed some serious tears. It is so unbelievably sad. It's been years since I saw this, but it was always one of my Mom's favorite movies, and she showed it to my brother and I several times throughout our childhood. The pain inflicted when Big Mama must leave Copper behind is insurmountable when compared to other Disney films.
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