40 Day Internet Fast

It is so sad that I can relate.
     What I love so much about this blog is all of the ideas and thoughts that get shared on it! I learn something new everyday. It's great. So after reading AB's post, I watched a bunch of Melissa Jenna Godsey's videos, and she seems like a really happy, nice person. I also read her 50 Shades of Magic Mike blog post, and I thought it was a very well-developed argument (with a great title, too). I would do the 40 Day Make-Up Fast with AB, except that I don't wear make-up so I can't. It's not that I'm so confident with myself that I don't feel like I need make-up... that's not it at all. Most days, I am not at all confident with how I look. But the reason I don't wear make-up is because I'm a) lazy (more on that later) b) completely ignorant in the make-up field and c) one of those people who feel gross minutes after putting make-up on (more likely, after having it put on for me.) I've actually never done my own make-up. I don't own any. Which I guess is nice, because it's one less thing I have to lug around and rely on and spend time on. But I have many other vices. For one: I am lazy. Good googly am I lazy. I got home a little after four o'clock today and spent almost the
entire time that wasn't spent doing homework or eating on the computer or my iPad. Isn't that absurd? I think it's absurd. And quite frankly, I'm tired of being fed up with myself. I'm tired of my eyes getting dried out from staring at a screen for too long. So I decided, just a few minutes ago, to take a fast from the Internet. Now, this isn't going to be a full-on fast. I'm still going to do daily blog posts, but I'm going to limit my time on the Internet to half-an-hour a day (not including blogging (which can take anywhere from ten minutes to forty-five minutes)). Yeah. So here goes nothing! If you're up for the challenge, you can join me DL and AB. If not, that's okay. I'm excited now... come tomorrow after school, I'm not going to be. I can guarantee that.
     What kind of food fast is this, AB? Care to indulge me? I don't like signing up for things without knowing what I'm signing up for... if it involves not eating meat for 40 days, I'm up for it all the way. If it involves not eating candy for 40 days... I don't know. That'd be real tough. But I guess that's the whole purpose of a fast, isn't it?
     AB, you look beautiful with or without make-up. Honestly, the only difference I've noticed at all is that you're eyelids aren't as sparkly... but your eyes shine just as brightly. ;)

Day Ninety Song Recommendation: "Adding to the Noise" by Switchfoot. I say this every week, but this song is perfect for today!
-SE Wagner
On day one-hundred-thirty the insanity that I started today will be over!


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