We Hate You, Ugly Habits

     Because I am prone to competitiveness, I read DL's post and promptly arm knitted an infinity scarf. I use "promptly" as a hyperbole. DL mentioned that I showed her the basics of arm knitting... But the truth is, I had no idea how to do it myself. I just found out this evening how to arm knit the RIGHT way.  That is, with two balls of yarn. My scarf took roughly thirty minutes to make, and it looks decent, except for where the two ends are tied together, which is way too bulky and a bit uncomfortable. And also there's the uh, technicality, of using two slightly different colored yarns... But overall, good results!  Thank you DL for making me jealous enough to finally figure out how to arm knit. The right way...
     That's what friends are for, right?  They give you little nudges to get you started, even if they don't know they're doing it. For the last few years, I've been trying to nudge, push, and force myself to give up an ugly habit... picking at my cuticles. I've been doing it for six years. I've tried to quit a dozen times. I've marked days on the calendar, days I'd gone without destroying my fingers. I'd make myself restart the count every time I picked it up again. I've tried Band-Aids and brute force. Usually I manage to stop every summer, and I'm oh-so-proud. Then, school starts up again and I'm sitting in class bored, or getting nervous over a test, and I'll start on a cuticle and get carried away and what do you know?  A week later, the habit is back. 
     Today while we were on a long car ride, I noticed that a lot of the drivers of the cars we passed were smoking and I thought about what a disgusting habit smoking is. Why would anybody start smoking?  And even if they did, why didn't they stop?  If they wanted to badly enough, they could. And they should want to pretty dang badly, since smoking is horrible for you. And then I thought about myself and how badly I wanted to stop picking my cuticles, and how disgusting it was, and how it certainly wasn't beneficial to me. And yet I'd been doing it for six years. And now I think of this quote-"Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times."  Truer words have rarely been spoken. Giving up something is easy. Giving up something for good is hard as heck. I have no idea how I'm ever going to kick my ugly habit. Maybe I'll just have to be my own best friend and worst enemy every day- giving myself that nudge and whipping myself (FIGURATIVELY) when I go back on my promise. I'm not quitting tomorrow. I'm quitting right now. 

Day Thirty-Five Song Recommendation: "Delicate" by Damien Rice.

Thank you, AB, for informing me about BookTube.  I had no idea, and that's really cool!  Go BookTube at Vidcon 2014!
-SE Wagner


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