My Greatest Accomplishment!...For Today, At Least

     One of the best feelings in the world is the feeling of accomplishment. The thought that "hey, I worked hard and got the job done!" Well, today I experienced that feeling. Sure I did workey type stuff: I washed the dishes and did some laundry while my Mom was at work. I wrapped some presents for a family get-together tomorrow. But my greatest accomplishment for today was making my very first arm knitted scarf!!! I partially have my English teacher Mrs. Matheny to thank for this, because it was in her class that I first learned about the wonderful world of arm knitting. I also have SE to thank for this because she taught me the basics of how to make an arm knitted scarf (better than the YouTube video, I might add). Of course, almost immediately after completing my lovely scarf (actually, it's pretty ugly, but hey, I'm still a beginner), I promptly put it's life in danger when I shook a loose-capped jug of orange juice and nearly spilled it on myself. I guess that's what I get for being prideful of my craftsmanship.
     Anyway, if you want to learn how to arm knit, I'll add a link below for you to click on. It's super easy and kind of therapeutic. Don't worry if your scarf looks like crap the first time; practice makes perfect!

Movie Recommendation: Warm Bodies. If you haven't seen this movie already, you should. It definitely fits the old cliche "there's something for everyone". I mean, who knew a zombie could be so charming? With its manifold Romeo and Juliet allusions, its amazing soundtrack, and its unique, modern plot line, this is definitely a perfect choice for any movie night or date. Guys will dig the zombie apocalypse hooha, and girls will enjoy the "awww" inducing romantic story. Also, kudos for the awesome fan art, am I right?

                                                 ++Click here to learn how to arm knit!++


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