It's so easy to get wrapped up (no pun intended) in the holiday chaos and get super stressed out about everything you have to do- last minute shopping, baking, wrapping, caroling, etc.- that you forget all about enjoying yourself. If you're not enjoying yourself during the holidays, you're doing it all wrong. For the last three days, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off- wrapping presents, last minute crafting, cleaning, visiting with friends. But I've been enjoying myself too. I like being busy, and I enjoy the holiday hubbub. But I also like sleeping in super late, reading, writing, and doing nothing in particular. So tomorrow that's probably what I'm going to do. Three days of being on-the-go, rushing around, and I'm ready to just sit on my butt. I think it's important to give time for just you during the holidays. I know, I know, Christmas time is all about family and friends and being together, but if you're exhausting yourself with it, you need to calm down, sit down, and just give yourself some time to relax and take in the lights, the festivities, and the winter air (which has been weirdly warm the past few days. I haven't given up on a white Christmas though!). Anyway, try not to stress too much. Christmas only comes around once a year.
Day Thirty Song Recommendation: "Silent Night" by Johnny Mathis
Some Miranda Sings and Glozell Green for you...
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