Talent vs. Passion

Talent vs. Passion.  Which wins?  Which is better to have?  There's the naturally gifted-those lucky enough to have an innate ability for something- and then there's the passionate- those that may not be great at something but they love it wholeheartedly.  But when in comes down to it, who wins?  The passionate or the talented?  I'd say those with passion will beat those with talent 99% of the time.  Because they care enough to always strive to be better.  The talented among us are lucky, but if they don't use their talent, it means nothing.  For example, we can agree that Picasso and Mozart were talented.  But the only reason we know that is because they used their talent.  They put in the effort to develop their gift.  And the reason they put in the effort is because of the fact that they were passionate.  See?  You can't really separate the two.  Without passion, talent is useless.  But what is passion without talent?  Perhaps that was the question all along.  Passion without talent is the girl who sits down day after day, pencil in hand, to draw.   She's a terrible artist.  She can't draw a portrait that even resembles a human being, and her still lifes are just that- still.  Flat.  She failed art in the 6th grade and she keeps all of her work to herself, afraid of what anybody would say.  But she has passion and that passion will take her farther than she could ever have imagined.  It will give her the first 'A' she's ever had in art, it will give her First Place in the county art fair, it will give her the job she's always dreamed of as a graphic designer, or an art teacher.  Now, of course, I made this girl up.  But she's somebody.  It wasn't her talent that gave her the results she wished for.  It was her passion.

Day 4 Song Recommendation- "Landfill" by Daughter.  This song is hauntingly beautiful and this video really reveals the emotion of it.  You can see it in the lead singer's (Elena Tonra's) face.


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