Black Friday

With Black Friday approaching, many American shoppers are making lists, checking websites, examining budgets, and figuring out where they're going to go shop.  And when Friday comes, the die-hards are going to start pouring into stores at the stroke of midnight.  Before that, even.  And some of those people aren't going to be nice people.  They're going to be the ones pushing, shoving, cursing, stealing.  They're going to be the ones with no patience for anybody, not even the poor cashiers that had to leave the comfort of their warm homes in the middle of the night just so that The Day of Deals can last as long as possible.  They're going to be the people who start the stampedes that kill people. Kill people.  May I remind you when Black Friday occurs?  The day after Thanksgiving.  The day after family after countless family sat around tables and gave thanks for what they have.  Now, I'm not a Black Friday hater, per se.  I'm fully aware that Black Fridays gives a lot of people the opportunity to buy presents for their kids that they couldn't otherwise afford.  And even for people who aren't struggling, it's still a great opportunity to get more bang for your buck.  I love bargains.  And I'm certainly not saying that all Black Friday shoppers are mean.  Not at all.  Most are beautiful, wonderful human beings.  But what I have a problem with is when people lose sight of being kind because of their egotistical "needs".  I have a problem with people being blatantly mean because they are so consumed in materialism.  There is no need to curse, yell, fight, kill over a bargain.  Especially less than twenty-four hours after thanking God or fate or anything else for allowing you to be sitting around steaming plates of freshly made food.  So, yes, please, go out, find crazy amazing deals, buy presents!  But don't lose sight of your humanity in the process.  Don't give up kindness for materialism.  Don't forget to thank the cashier at Macy's or Walmart or Target extra extra much.  Let some little girl have the last SUPER FANCY EXTRA BLOND Barbie doll on the shelf, even if you were going to get that for your little sister.  You can find another one.  Maybe she can't.

And on a happier note!!!  (Sorry if I was morbid.  I promise I'm not really!) Day 3 Song Recommendation- "Distance Kills" by Nolita Knights.


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