
We're all beginners at something, whether it be cooking, or writing, or simply life.  I'm a beginner at this and I can't promise to be wonderful every time.  I can, however, provide you with music.  I hope to post a new song recommendation every day in the hopes of sharing with you one of my passions and past times.  "Music happens to be an art form that transcends language" (Herbie Hancock).  If you stop for a second and think, you'll realize how huge that is.  Transcends language.  Music.  Of all things, something as simple as music can be our ultimate translator.  Music can be the thing that deciphers our words when we're speaking in tongues.  It can be the thing that binds us.  That, my friends, isn't nothing.  And to mark this occasion, this beginning, I'll start with a fitting song.  "Beginners" by Slow Club.  Yes, that's Daniel Radcliffe.  Just listen to the music.  It transcends language.


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