Another Thanksgiving Story...

To be honest with you Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving to me is just the wasteful holiday before Christmas, which is my favorite holiday. My church every Thanksgiving does a breakfast for our congregation. This sounds like a really awesome thing to do and it is but it's also exhausting. The night before we always go eat way to much at a fast food restaurant, bowling, movies, candy. Basically we don't go to sleep.  By the way we have to get up at five in the morning to start making the breakfast. This year I only got two hours of sleep. I don't do well when I don't have to much sleep. I got up at four and went to start working on the eggs. Sami, who is one of my favorite people in our youth group. She's a senior this year which means she won't be with us next year. Like I said I don't do well with no sleep so I was just ignoring everyone, not being in a good mood.
Sami walked up to me and put her arm around me and said,
"Pitt, your a really beautiful person and i'm so thankful that you're my friend."
I literally almost started crying, Sami isn't a morning person either. This was a big deal to me, I stopped making the eggs and wrapped my arms around her.
My Mom was in charge of Thanksgiving this year. Mom doesn't do well under pressure, so this was huge. She kept complaining throughout the week that she didn't have enough of the same silver ware to give everybody. She was telling this to a co-worker one day, he just smiled and looked at her. This man had lost his wife five years ago to cancer. He was left with two kids and struggled to deal with the grief of his deceased wife.
"Don't," he told my Mom. "Don't worry about the small things like silverware. My daughter doesn't even look forward to holidays anymore. She doesn't enjoy them without her Mom."
That made Mom shut up, she had a family, friends, job, a house everything she needed. Yet she was complaining. Don't get me wrong I probably would have done the exact same thing. God is amazing though, he put that co-worker in her life for a reason. to remind her that Thanksgiving doesn't have anything to do with what kind of silverware you have or the food...Yes the food is not the main reason of Thanksgiving. It's to love and enjoy your family. To thank God and realize all of the things that you take for granted.
Even though I know that Thanksgiving is over I want you all to do something. I want you to call or text somebody you haven't spoken to in a while and thank them or appreciate them.


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